Thursday, October 24, 2013

Can it be January 19th yet?

Sherlock. Oh, Sherlock. 

This show is amazing. A-MA-ZING.

It is a BBC show that is also aired on PBS in the U.S. There are 2 seasons that have been aired. Each season only has 3 episodes, but the episodes are each an hour and a half in length. 

This show is the perfect mix of solving crimes and mysteries, action, humor, family drama, arch-nemesis, and friendship. 
Also, Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman are brilliant together.

I found out yesterday that the 3rd season is scheduled to air in the U.S. on January 19th, 2014! Article about it here!

If you haven't watched the first 2 seasons, you have until January 19th to get caught up :) They are available to view on Netflix and Hulu.

Trust me, it will be the best TV decision you have ever made.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dear Boys 31: Youtube Edition

Dear Bacon,
It's over. Finally. I'm through.

Dear Muffin Top,
So Close. But yet so far.

Dear Terminal,
(while this is SOOOO cheesy and I don't even watch Grey's Anatomy, it still kinda applies)

Dear Thomas the Tank Engine,

It may not be totally accurate, but I feel like it's close ;) Also, slightly hilarious.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

End of September

Yes, I know it's already October, but life got in the way of making this post happen this week, so here we are now :)

I love this song and it pretty much sums up my month of September.

Here are some photos from my September :)

 When Ty came home from his mission to Brazil!

Homecoming/Football Games :)

Redfest! Andy Grammar and Karmin came! 

LDSSA Retreat to Heber Valley Girls Camp! Yes, that is snow on the ground!

September was a crazy month, with school and Homecoming and so much more. 

October, here I come!


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