Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dear Boys 7

I never got around to doing one of these last week, so this will have to make up for it :)

Dear Hudson,

You are the cutest kid ever! I'm so excited to be able to be your buddy for U-FIT!


Dear Dad,

Happy Birthday last Sunday! It's been a fun birthday week!

Love You,

Dear Peter Pan (literally),

Can you teach me how to fly? I'm thinking I need some pixie dust. Could you arrange that for me? That would be great, thanks :)


Dear Chemistry Buddy,

You are kinda cute. Do you understand any of this? Cause you should help me...curse chemistry.


Dear Obi-Wan,

I'll try sending you another email and see if you respond, but at this rate, I kind of doubt it. Here's to trying again.

Darth Vader

Dear That Kid,

So, you bought my dinner (even though it was only Wendy's)....was it a date? People keep telling me that it is, but I'm not so sure. Anyways, you are adorable and I still like you a lot.

Becca (aka FB Stalker)

Dear Breast Friend,

I hope I get a letter from you tomorrow. It would make me very happy :)

Tight Like Unto A Dish

Dear Temme,

Mind=Blow. Like every day. Well, Monday through Thursday at least when we have class.


Dear Evan,

I hope that you can get better and not be on the oxygen tank soon! But I'm glad that you could go home from the hospital! Your mom and dad are very happy :)

Cousin Becca

Dear Schank,

I love our class. It strengthens me so much. I feel the spirit every class and I am growing spiritually more than I ever think I have before. Thank you so so much.


Wow, that was kind of a long Dear Boys! Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Not Just Another Valentine's Day Post

I'm sure you have all seen a bunch of stuff on Facebook and Twitter and the like about Valentine's Day and flowers that guys surprised their girl with, yada yada yada. Well, last year I ranted about why I hate the holiday in this post. I don't feel the need to rant again about it, so I won't.

Instead, I never really did a New Years Resolutions post at the beginning of the year. So I will now!

I haven't ever really liked making New Years Resolutions before because I never end up following through with them. SO, I figured this year, if I make a few goals starting in February, maybe I will follow through. So here it goes :)

1~Go to the temple at least once a month, but striving for more
2~Figure out a work out routine and stick to it
3~(Going along with #2) Get a 6-pack (abs, not cans of soda ;) )
4~Keep up with my school work/don't procrastinate to the last minute
5~Talk to new people/make more new friends
6~Cut down on TV and Internet usage (like Facebook and Twitter)
7~Learn to cook
8~Find a job that can give me clinical experience for my future career
9~Live on my own

These aren't in any particular order, (though #1 is probably the most important one), but I hope to be able to achieve most, if not all, by the end of the year!

On a totally random other subject, I love this song. And you all should too ;) Jk, you don't have to, but I bet if you listen to it, you will love it too!

This song helps me to keep going a lot of the time. It is so inspiring and reminds me that I'm not alone. The Savior walked on the water and with faith, I can too in my own way! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dear Boys 6

A little late I know, but it's been a busy/awesome week :)

Dear Breast Friend,

I miss you more than a......I don't know how to finish that sentence, but it is a lot!
Yesterday was the best day ever, cause I got a letter from you! You crack me up :)

Tight Like Unto A Dish

Dear Brother,

I'm super excited for everything that is happening for you right now! You're future is bright :)


Dear Pancake,

You are kind of awesome! We should for sure hang out more :)


Dear That Kid (like always),

I'm just gonna be friends with you, but if you were to ask me out, I would for sure not say no! *hint hint* ;)

Becca (aka FB Stalker)

Dear Dad,

Thanks for always editing my papers for me :) You are the best! (for more than just that though)


Dear Stats Prof,

You get way too excited about some things. I mean, I'm all about enthusiasm, but this is a little over the top.


Dear Chem 2 Prof,

You repeat things WAY too much. It's annoying, especially at 7:30 in the morning.


Dear Hank,

I love coming to your class, but gas is I probably can't come too often. But last night was a great class and a great chat!

Your Utah Girl

Dear Charlie,

I am so glad that you are all better now, even though you almost left me stranded at the U! It's ok, I forgive you ;)


Dear Finn Hudson (yes, I know I am a gleek),

You are super cute with Rachel, but you should really think about marrying me instead. Just sayin' ;)

Recovering Gleek

Dear Christ,

Thank you for everything you have done, do, and will do for me in my life. I would not be here without your love for me. I am so grateful to have you as an elder brother.


That's all folks! Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dear Boys 5

Oh you confuse us girls! 

Dear Root Beer,

What is your angle? I only met you last this is weird.

Creep'd Out

Dear Pancake,

I can't come Saturday, but I still want you to make me made-from-scratch pancakes. And I'm still serious.


Dear Chem 1 Prof,

We'll see how my test tomorrow goes. If I suck, I'm coming to you to have you teach me. Chem 2 Prof. still sucks. I'm afraid he is going to blow up the lecture hall every day. 


Dear That Kid,

I just don't know what to do about you...Do I tell you or do I not? Do you know? What are you thinking about us? Did you really say what he said you did?


Dear Breast Friend,

Your mix is one of the only things that can cheer me up. I miss you a lot. More than I thought I would.

Tight Like Unto A Dish

Dear Brother,

Don't stress. 


Dear Jim Halpert,

Can't I just marry you and then all this confusion would end?? I think it sounds like an awesome idea ;)


It's been a crazy week, but I'm getting through :)
Have a great weekend!!


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