Thursday, September 26, 2013

Quick Update!

Remember that one time that I blogged?? 

Yeah, me neither. 

Life is crazy and my mind is spinning with drug facts and mechanisms of action, indications, contraindications, and side effects. 

So, I thought I should take 30 seconds and provide you with a quick update!

Nursing School controls my life, but that was to be expected.
LDSSA is as great as ever!
I didn't do UFIT this semester and it makes me sad that I can't see cute Hudson every week.
Homecoming Week went great and I love SAB!
*UBook Tradition Post to come soon!*
I got to see Andy Grammar and Karmin at Redfest, which was an absolute blast!

The Holy War has been suspended for 2 years after a GLORIOUS Utah win! The Mighty Utes will again rival the TDS (team down south) in 2016.

OH, and this kid comes home tomorrow. I'm kinda excited ;)

Well, that's all for now folks! 
Hopefully after my pharmacology test destroys me, I'll be able to find some time to write a few more posts :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Cool School of the Week: University of Utah!

About a week ago, I was on TV! 
The Student Alumni Board and MUSS Board for the University of Utah got to represent the Mighty Utah Student Section on Fox13's Cool School of the Week news segment! 

To watch the video's of the segments I was in, go here and I am in the 4th, 5th, and 6th videos down the list.

It was so much fun and I loved being able to represent my school!

After filming, we decided we needed to get pics on the field :)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Dear Boys 30

Dear First Love,
You get home in less than a month! 
Guess who's excited?? This girl :)
Becca Bec

Dear Brother,
Some days, I really wish that I could just talk to you for real.
In the car, driving down 90th, like the good ol' days.
But I guess I'll have to live with this whole missionary situation.
Love and Miss you!

Dear Brown,
You are still pretty rad :)

Dear Muffin Top,
What goes through your mind? 

Dear Obi-Wan and Half & Half,
Why did you both have to move away? 
You should come back.

Dear Plasma,
It's amazing how much one conversation can turn your whole mood around.

Dear Thomas the Tank Engine,
I don't always get you.
Good thing I just don't care anymore.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Utah Football for the WIN!

As any and all Utah Utes Fans SHOULD know, the first football game of the season was on this past Thursday against the Utah State Aggies! 
Let me first say that Utah State played an amazing game and that their quarterback, Chucky, is a maniac and will do some great things this season! 
But, my Utes pulled out their first win of the season! 

This was an awesome game and I had the awesome opportunity to witness the #REDemption from the SIDELINES!! 
My very good friend and MUSS buddy Lisa, aka Muffin, won the MUSS Tailgate Raffle for 2 Sideline passes! Also, this was her VERY FIRST Utah Football game! Talk about AWESOME!

*Warning: Photo overload coming*

 Ute Walk

 On the FIELD!

 The MUSS signalling a First Down!


 Stripe the Stadium!

 Muffin really liked Scott's Marching Utes Hat :)

 Swoop decided to have a sit on Muffin during Half Time!

 The band playing the "Crazy Lady" song!

 This lady just came on the field by us and was awesome! 

 On the field!

 Once the game ended! Also, the guy in the orange shirt became one of our new best friends :)

 Chillin' on the 50 yard line :)

This was such an awesome experience! I'm so excited for the rest of the season in the MUSS :)

Monday, September 2, 2013

The Start of the Rest of My Life

This past week, I began on the path to my future. I started the Traditional Nursing Program at the University of Utah. 

These pics were taken at our "Lamp of Learning" Induction Ceremony. 

I have been waiting and working towards this for what seems like forever that now it is weird to actually, finally, be at this point. I've been going to school for all of my life, and now the end is actually in sight. I have 2 years in the program and will graduate in May 2015 with my BSN, Bachelors of Science in Nursing.

Here's to the next 2 years and this crazy journey that I'm on!


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