Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Summer "Bucket List"

Well, summer semester has officially started. 
And yet, I still have a bucket list. 
Who knows if I will get any of these things done, but I'm all for trying! 

As I accomplish any of these things, pictures will be taken and I will tell of my adventures!

So without further ado, the "Bucket List"
1-Learn to golf
2-LOTR Movie Marathon
3-Hike the U
4-Read the entire Old Testament
5-Go to a Bees Game
6-Play in the fountain at City Creek
7-Hike Ensign Peak
8-Go Rock Climbing
9-Run the Oakley 5K
10-Go to a drive in movie
11-Go Skydiving/Hang Gliding
12-Look at the starts with a good friend
13-Eat a pound of jello with my brother
14-Play in the fountain outside the Marriott Library
15-Lay on the grass and look at the clouds
16-Have a picnic in the canyon
17-Go to Lagoon

Some of these things I have done before and just want to do them again, but others I have never done and have wanted to for a while now, so why not during the summer?? :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Dear Boys 14

I missed a couple weeks because of Finals and the end of the semester craziness. But I'm back :)

Dear Temme,

Thanks for an awesome class! I wish I had gotten an A though, but an A- is still good.


Dear Dishes,

Well, nothing ever happened. Dang it. Have a good summer!


Dear Slushy,

Have a nice life. Let me know if you have time for me in it.


Dear Piano Man,

I was being nice. Not flirting. There is a difference.


Dear Canada,

You're rad for sure.


Dear Hank,

My friend mentioned you in a letter home to his family! He has been listening to your CD's on the mish! Now that, my friend, is awesome :)

Your Utah Girl

Dear Brother,

You're graduating. And signing up for college classes. I don't like it. Not one bit.


Dear That Kid,

You confuse my brain cells. Not in a "I like you" kind of way. More like a "what the heck are you thinking?" kind of way.


Dear Breast Friend,

I miss you like a little kid misses his favorite TV show when he is grounded. 
Ok that really didn't make a whole lot of sense, but I'm rolling with it :)

Tight Like Unto A Dish


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