Thursday, November 17, 2011

Great Weekend, Start of a New Day

This post is a little overdue, but it's been a couple days in the writing, so oh well! Here goes...

This weekend was awesome! Saturday was a little bit crazy, but it was way fun! I had to work in the morning from 9:45am to 4pm and I was the only employee scheduled to work besides my bosses because it was Bingham Ball and West Jordan's Sadies or something, so a ton of our employees were busy with that, so hence I was the only one. It surprisingly wasn't too bad though. My boss let me leave at 3:30 so that I could make it up to the Utah Football Game faster, because kickoff was at 4:30. So I rushed home and changed into many layers, then headed on trax up to Rice Eccles Stadium, where it was snowing. Once I got to the game, I had a blast with my buds! We were all freezing, but it was an awesome game and the Utes dominated UCLA!
Someone built a snowman on the stands :)

The balloons that were let go during halftime to honor the soldiers :)

All of us freezing our butts off but having a great time!

Then after the game, I went to a free concert at the SLCC Jordan Campus to watch my good friend Ashley Gray's boyfriend's band play. It was their CD Release Party, so I also bought their CD. It is amazing!! I have probably already listened to the whole thing like 50 times just this week. I love it! The band's name is Argyle and the CD is called End of September. It is available on iTunes, and you can also order their CD on their band website, Seriously, They are way good! 
Andrew (the singer) rockin' out!

Then, I was talking with Ashley and one of her and Andrew's friends and the friend gave me some really good advice. She told me about this YouTube video that her uncle (I think) had shown her, and it was totally what I needed in my life. Here is the video:  


So, ever since then when I have gotten insecure or scared to do something, I just tell myself to "Stop It" and then I move on. 
Because of this, on Monday I was walking through the institute and decided that I would stop and help set up for "Attitude of Gratitude Grilled Cheese Day" While doing this, I made some new friends, am now going to join one of the institute councils, and I talked to and became better friends with a boy that is in my institute class that I have had a secret crush on all semester :) 
It's the start of a new Becca, and I'm excited!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Late Night Break-down

I know it is late, but I just need to talk. Since I have no one to really talk to about things directly, this is the next thing that I can think of. 

I don't know what I am doing in my life. I thought that I did, but now, I really don't. At least not in my immediate life. Tonight, I was trying to figure out my schedule for next semester and nothing is working out. The guy that I met at the Pre-Nursing Info Meeting, and he told us to do things by email, hasn't answered any of my emails with questions about classes that I need to take and I need to sign up for classes next week. It is stressing me out, a lot. 

Then there is my job. I like it a lot, but I am not getting very many hours because of my school schedule being wacky and such. Also, I am only getting paid minimum wage, which is starting to be a problem, especially if I want to go to Nursing School in the future. With getting into Nursing School, I also really need to find a job in a hospital or doctor's office or something, which means that I need to get either my CNA, Phlebotomy license, or something like that, which will cost even more money...

I just really don't want to grow up right now. I still want to be dancing and having my biggest worry and stressor being if my ankle is going to hold up for competitions, or if our dances are clean enough. That is one of my true passions and I don't want to give it up right now. I just can't...but I don't know how I can still be on a team because of my age. 

Why can't I leave on my mission this coming spring, instead of a year from this spring?? It would make trying to plan my future so much easier! And I want to be out serving the Lord, just like all of my guy friends get to do right now. I feel like, I need a break from school right now. A mission would be a perfect break from it, because then when I came back, I could really be excited and appreciate it so much more again. 

I want to date. I think about it all the time, especially seeing couples walking around campus together. I mean, I don't really want a serious relationship right now because I want to go on my mission, but fun dating would be great. I just feel like such a loser a lot of the time because I do just go to school, then come right back home afterwards and then stay at home all night, go to bed, and then wake up the next day and do it all over again. And sometimes, It sucks. 

Well, I guess I really better go to bed now and hopefully tomorrow turns out better than I feel like today did.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Start of a Trend

So tomorrow is going to be a great day. 
Wanna know why?
Because the first one comes home.
The first what you ask? 
The first of my long list of friends on missions! 
That's right, Eric Diamond was the first one of my really good friends to leave on his mission.
2 years ago. 2 YEARS PEOPLE!!
And now he comes home tomorrow! After him, all of my friends start to come home!

Even though some of my friends just barely left, or haven't even left yet, I now realize how fast 2 years can fly past me. And that makes me excited! Sort of like seeing the light at the end of a tunnel. A good tunnel though, not a scary tunnel. 
Missions are great, but I just can't wait until it is my turn to go, so being on the "homecoming"side of things instead of the "farewell" side just feels really good. 

Anyways, that's all for now! Happy November!!


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