Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Have a Super Sparkly Day!

So, I love that commercial. It cracks me up every time. If you haven't seen it and don't know what I'm talking about, watch it here. Seriously, just finding that video to link to and I was giggling :)

Do you ever have those days where they are just great all the way through, no matter what? 
No matter what is thrown at you or is put in your path, nothing can get you down? 

Well, today my friends, is one of those days :)

It started with waking up from a wonderful dream and I was already smiling.
Then, after family scripture study, I decided that sleeping sounded better than showering. 
So I slept for a bit longer. 
As I got up, I decided that I didn't care if I didn't look super great or professional. 
I was all about comfy today. 
I put my hair on top of my head and a sparkly, sequin headband on.

I wore sweats instead of jeans.
I then went to the trax station and road trax to school with a good friend (who is also good looking!).
I got to class early and could just chill for a bit. 
The class content included a lot that I had already learned from my CNA course. 
So I didn't have to access a lot of brain power.
Then Institute class was super great and spiritual, as always.
Especially cause I have it with Whit!
There were free cookies and milk and chips and salsa at the institute!
The above statement then made Whit and I super hyper.
Also Whit's lack of sleep contributed ;)
We hung out at the 'tute with a guy from our class and laughed hysterically.
I go out to ride trax home and the same good looking friend is at the station! 
At home, I submitted my Nursing School Application! Eeek!
Now, John Schmidt and Steven Sharp Nelson (aka Piano Guys) is playing in the background.

Great day?? Yes :)

So, I wish you all to have a Super Sparkly Day! I know mine is :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013


First of all, the title of this post is courtesy of Elise. No, I did not know how to spell it before she posted it.

So I have lots of thoughts as of late and just thought I would share.

First, check out my Follow Me buttons over on the left side there. I finally figured out how to get them on here, and I'm pretty proud of myself.

Second, I made a new FB page for my blog! The FB button links over to it, so feel free to "Like" it! Also, I got a twitter account again (hence the twitter button), mostly to follow the LDS accounts, as well as my blogger buds! 

Third, I might die this semester. I am taking Advanced Anatomy, among some other tough classes as well. I have heard that Advanced is probably one of the hardest, if not hardest, classes available at the U. And I'm taking it for fun. Cause I'm an idiot. 

Fourth, I am in the process of applying for nursing school. But I keep putting it off and finding other things to do instead of work on my application. Cause I'm a slacker, slash terrified of growing up. 
Also, I am kind of scared that I probably won't get in this year. Reason is, they look very highly at clinical experience, and I have like none except for my clinical hours for my CNA certification. Which leads me to...

Fifth, I need to get a job. I need money for various reasons, as well as getting experience in the health care field. But, I also don't really want to work at a nursing home and change briefs all day. So that's a dilemma.

Sixth, I haven't really made any new years resolutions because once I do, I always get so discouraged because I feel like I am failing. So, I think this year I am just going to make "decisions" of how I want to better my life. And if I slip up, it is totally ok and I can just start again the next day!

Seventh, this post is probably getting a bit long, so enjoy a pic from my recent family vacation on a cruise to Mexico! 

Photo taken at Lover's Beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico
No editing has been done to this photo. It was really just that gorgeous!

*Disneyland and Cruise post (s) to come later*

Happy Weekend Bleeps! (Blogger Peeps) ;)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Tres Leches Cupcakes

Culinary Mysteries by Josi S. Kilpack

So I've loved this series for a while. 
This book came out in Fall 2012, but because of school, leisure reading wasn't really an option.
My dad then gave it to me for Christmas! I was really excited and I have already finished it! I loved it! 
Josi did good again :)

This series is about a middle-aged woman named Sadie Hoffmiller. 
Sadie loves to cook and also loves to eat. She is kind of a "food connoisseur" if you will.
She also has an affinity for murder investigations, which then leads her to eventually end up in the middle of everything. Sometimes she sticks her nose where it doesn't necessarily belong, but a lot of the time these things just happen to her.

While she is in the middle of her adventures, she still finds time to try new foods and to make old, but good, dishes. Because of this, at the end of every chapter that a new food or recipe is mentioned, the recipe for that dish is listed.
It has made me want to cook more and become more domestic a bit!
*I know, weird right??*

The next book in the series, Baked Alaska, comes out Spring 2013! So excited!

This book, Tres Leches Cupcakes, is the 8th book in the series. 
Each book can stand alone, with it's own individual story, but there is a back story that goes chronologically throughout all of the books (personal life, previous experiences, family life, etc.). 

I first got into the series by reading the 4th book, Key Lime Pie, but then went back and have read the rest of the other books in order. 

I definitely recommend this book, as well as all the others in the series! I do suggest that you read them in order, it makes them easier to keep track of all the different characters and such. 

To learn more, visit Josi's website here.


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