Every Friday night, I head back up to the U and participate in a great program called U-FIT where I go and get to hang out with the cutest little 4 year old boy who is high functioning autistic. I love this kid! This is my second semester participating in this program and I was lucky enough to be paired up with my same buddy from last semester.
This past Friday, my buddy was wearing a shirt that had a Madagascar character on it. I told him that I thought it was really cool. He then asked what my shirt said. I was wearing this shirt:
So I told him, "It says Beat BYU, and (pointing to the drum and feathers) this is the Utah logo."
He then proceeded to "Throw up his U" (putting your two hands together with your index and middle finger of each hand in the shape of L's) and then said, "The red guys are the good guys and the blue guys are the bad guys."
I about started to jump up and down! This kid has been raised right!
I love being able to hang out with him for 2 hours every Friday :)
To learn more about U-FIT, click here.