Remember that one time that I blogged??
Yeah, me neither.
Life is crazy and my mind is spinning with drug facts and mechanisms of action, indications, contraindications, and side effects.
So, I thought I should take 30 seconds and provide you with a quick update!
Nursing School controls my life, but that was to be expected.
LDSSA is as great as ever!
I didn't do UFIT this semester and it makes me sad that I can't see cute Hudson every week.
Homecoming Week went great and I love SAB!
*UBook Tradition Post to come soon!*
I got to see Andy Grammar and Karmin at Redfest, which was an absolute blast!
The Holy War has been suspended for 2 years after a GLORIOUS Utah win! The Mighty Utes will again rival the TDS (team down south) in 2016.
OH, and this kid comes home tomorrow. I'm kinda excited ;)
Well, that's all for now folks!
Hopefully after my pharmacology test destroys me, I'll be able to find some time to write a few more posts :)