Tuesday, February 19, 2013

50 Dollas WHAT??

So, as my last post showed, my life is crazy with Anatomy....and more Anatomy. 
But guess what?? It's my birthday this week!
And what better way to celebrate my 21st birthday than with my very first giveaway?? 
A couple weeks ago, Brooklyn at This Little Blonde contacted me about taking part in a giveaway for a $50 Visa gift card. And I was like, "Of course!" 
Then, the giveaway happened to be this week, which is perfect! 

So, Happy Birthday to me and go and enter yourself to win some sweet cash!
Also, check out these other awesome ladies! I highly support blog stalking :)


  1. Hey girl,

    Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award. Check it out here: http://littlecountryblonde.blogspot.com/2013/02/liebster-blog-award.html


  2. You are the cutest thing! I am your newest follower! :) Totally just entered this!


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