Thursday, December 27, 2012

Plans Change

I've been wanting to write this post for a while now, but never really knew everything I wanted to say and how to say it. But I know that I just need to get it out there for everyone to know what is going on with me. 

Plans Change. And sometimes it sucks. Right now it sucks. But I've come to accept it.

Ever since I can remember, I've been planning on going on a mission. The plan has always been to go to school until I was 21 and then take a 18-month break to go abroad. 
Then the announcement came that girls could go on missions now starting at 19. 
When I was 19, I was full-on angry that I had to stay here while all of my guy friends got to leave on missions. I didn't feel it was fair that they got to go and I had to wait, but I accepted it then. 
Then a few months ago, before the announcement, I met with my bishop to talk about getting mission papers. I was so sure of myself, I thought, making the appointment and walking into his office. 
Then, I broke down. I wasn't sure of what I was really supposed to do with my life right now. My bishop then gave me an assignment to go home, talk to my parents, weigh the pros and cons of a mission, and to make a decision. Then, I would take that decision to the Lord. 
So, I did just that. And I came to a decision. One I wasn't very happy about, but it felt right.

I'm not going on a mission.....right now.

I don't know exactly why this is the answer, especially because I'm not dating anyone right now, so the whole marriage thing isn't getting in the way.
I have talked to people who were also planning on a mission, but a man walked into there life and they went that path instead. 
I think that is why this is so hard and confusing for me. I don't have the reason of marriage for not going, and all along that was the only thing that I thought could make my plans change.
If the announcement that girls can now leave at 19 had come when I was 19, I would have been gone in a heartbeat. I would have been one of those girls that called their bishop that day to get their papers going. 
When the announcement came, I was devastated. Why didn't that happen just 2 years earlier? 
But I know why, at least the why for me. 

If I had gone at 19, I wouldn't have been an Anatomy TA. 
If I had gone at 19, I wouldn't be involved with the Spirit of Place Committee at the SL Institute of Religion.
If I had gone at 19, I wouldn't have met my best friend.
If I had gone at 19, I wouldn't have the amazing friends I have now. 
If I had gone at 19, I wouldn't have met my bloggy-friends.
If I had gone at 19, I wouldn't be applying to nursing school next month.
If I had gone at 19, I wouldn't be so close to my adorable cousin Lizzie Hammer.
If I had gone at 19, I wouldn't be the person I am today. 

And for that, I am grateful I didn't go when I was 19.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

What Did You Do Today?

Today I:
Went to Breakfast at Village Inn with the SOPers 
Class was Cancelled
Chilled at the Institute
Finished my Term Paper
Listened to Some Amazing Talent by various people at the Institute
Ate Cookies
Tried to Fly on the Cart from the Deli
Hit my Nose on the Handle as the Cart went down
Had a Massive Nose Bleed
Got X-Rays Done of my Face
Found Out my Nose Is NOT Broken * hallelujah* 

What Did You Do Today? :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

TSO 2012!

I have a strict No Christmas Music before Thanksgiving Policy.
But, I made a small exception this year. 
My friend Danny invited me to go with him to the Trans-Siberian Orchestra Concert. 

I have never been to a "real" rock concert before, and I think this was a good one to start with. It was intense but sophisticated, all at the same time! :)

So, it started with a whole story-line about how God sends down an angel from heaven to meet people and change their lives. And this angel meets a man who is very hard-hearted on Christmas Eve. Through the course of different things happening to this man, his heart is softened and the angel returns to heaven, where he is praised by God for his good work.

It was sort of a spiritual experience, in a Trans-Siberian kind of way! 
The Gospel means "Good News" and that's exactly what it was :)


Then, after the story-line portion of the show was finished, that's when "the real party started!" 
The man guy of TSO came out and asked if we had a couple more songs in us, and of course we did! Then he said, "Let's show you what this stuff can really do!" (talking about all of the special effects) 

Now that, was a rock concert-Christmas style! 

Here is a video of the finale, "Carol of the Bells" 

Thank you so much Danny for letting me experience that with you! :)
It was incredible!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

To Infinity...And Beyond!

Remember that time I said that I had a Halloween post in mind that I was going to write and put up on here? Yeah, my school life has been pretty crazy since then with studying Embryology 24/7. But, I can finally breathe for about 2.4 seconds, until I have my CNA State Written Test on Monday and Skills Test on Wednesday. 

But, while I have the time, I shall update the blog with my homemade Halloween costume and Halloween festivities!

It all started out with me coming home from school and needing a costume within the next 3 hours for UFit. I decided to look online for some easy homemade costume ideas and saw a picture on google of......*get ready for this*....BUZZ LIGHTYEAR! I was pretty dang excited about it! 
My mom and I then figured out what we needed to pick up from Wally World. 
Our Shopping List:
Black Duct Tape
White Duct Tape
Green Duct Tape
Purple Duct Tape
Red Duct Tape

The supplies we had at home:
Red, Blue, Green, and Purple Fabric Markers
White Long Sleeved Shirt
White Shorts
Long White Socks
An Old Belt
Pretty good size piece of cardboard

On the white shirt, I just drew the design on with fabric markers. I then put some of the green duct tape around the sleeves and black duct tape around the bottom of the shirt. On the white shorts, I put green duct tape around the bottom of each leg. On the belt, I covered one side of it with the green duct tape. On the socks, I put purple duct tape on the bottom of each foot and green tape around the top of each sock. I wrote "ANDY" on the bottom of my right foot and put the socks on over my shoes. 
For the wings, my mom was the mastermind and just looked at a picture of Buzz's wings online and cut and covered with duct tape a piece of cardboard we had in our garage. 

Put it all together and....TADA!

Going down the stairs and through hallways was a challenge...

After the great success of my costume at UFit, I decided to where it to the Institute Halloween Party! 
As I was getting ready, my friend Whitney texted me to ask for a ride to the party and of course I said, "Sure!" Then about 20 minutes later I get a phone call from a number I don't recognize, but I answer it anyways. It turns out to be my friend Jared that recently got home from his mission and that I had only seen once since he got home. He had been talking to Whit and was also wanting to know if I could give him a ride. So, I went and picked up Whit first and she was dressed in a Mr. Incredible's Jersey! Pixar anyone? (I hadn't told her what I was dressing up as)
Then, we went to Jared's house to pick him up. We get to his house and Whit calls him to tell him that we are outside. He opens his door and walks outside dressed as WOODY! Um, Perfect much?? 
So, Jared and I matched and Whit was also Pixar, with no planning required. 
We are just that awesome :)

Jared wanted to get pictures with random people :)

Missionaries?? YES!

 A Minion from Despicable Me!

 The fierce Mr. Incredible smashing Syndrome!

 Jared with Jessie from Team Rocket

Partners in Crime :)

 This was after we had finished cleaning up and were waiting for Jake's dad to arrive to pick up all of the blow-up equipment. It was probably past midnight at this point. So we were all a bit loopy :)

 Also, here are Dad's and my pumpkins that we carved! 
This is Dad's face!

 And, of course, my Ute Drum and Feather :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Blogging Hiatus

I have been neglecting my blog the past couple of weeks, and probably will for the next week and a half or so as well. 

My head has been filled with thoughts and decisions and options, all mixed together with the attempted knowledge of Pneumothorax's, Mesonephric ducts, Obstructive lung disorders, Limbic System pathways, Cloacal membranes, and much, much more. 

I did finish up my last clinical for my CNA class this past weekend, and then passed my ccCNA class final! Now my paperwork is mailed in to get my vouchers to take my State CNA Written and Skills tests! Hopefully that all can happen quickly so that I can start working and get some clinical experience :) 

So, that's what has been going on lately!

Enjoy a picture of Swoop and I at the latest Utah Football Game :)

I do have a Halloween post in mind that should be up soon, if all goes well the rest of the week! 

Cheers Blog Friends!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Best Buddy

Every Friday night, I head back up to the U and participate in a great program called U-FIT where I go and get to hang out with the cutest little 4 year old boy who is high functioning autistic. I love this kid! This is my second semester participating in this program and I was lucky enough to be paired up with my same buddy from last semester. 

This past Friday, my buddy was wearing a shirt that had a Madagascar character on it. I told him that I thought it was really cool. He then asked what my shirt said. I was wearing this shirt: 

So I told him, "It says Beat BYU, and (pointing to the drum and feathers) this is the Utah logo." 
He then proceeded to "Throw up his U" (putting your two hands together with your index and middle finger of each hand in the shape of L's) and then said, "The red guys are the good guys and the blue guys are the bad guys."
I about started to jump up and down! This kid has been raised right! 
I love being able to hang out with him for 2 hours every Friday :)

To learn more about U-FIT, click here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dear Boys 26

Dear Monson,
The announcement is great. 2 years ago would have been better though...

Dear Brown,
Do I try, or do I just let go?
Cause I don't think I'm ready to let go yet...

Dear Cupcake,
Nope. Please just stop.

Dear Hide-N-Seek,
I still think you're pretty rad.
Call Me Maybe?

Dear Perfect,
Are you serious? Is this even real?? 

Dear Breast Friend,
I would love to just pick up the phone and talk to you. 
And then go get some J-Dawgs. 
Too bad you're in another country. 
And only reachable by letter or email. 
And you only have limited time to write anyone back. 
I miss you.
Tight Like Unto A Dish

Dear Woodland,
You are kinda attractive.
Who knows if I will ever see you again.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Time for a vent session. Real post to come hopefully soon.

I'm sick. 
I'm tired. 
I'm confused. 
I'm scared. 
I'm lonely. 
I'm sad. 

And my best friend is in Mexico on her honeymoon, while I'm in class for 10 hours a day. 

Great start of a Fall Break...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Dear Boys 25

Dear Perfect,
Sorry I give you crap. And probably annoy you. But it's your job, so I don't feel too guilty about it.

Dear Brother, 
I wish you were at the U. It would be a Party!
All day!

Dear Canada,
Why are you the only one?

Dear Brown,

Dear Piano Man,
No. Never with you.

Dear First Presidency, 12 Apostles, and All other Officers hereby constituted,
I'm real excited for this weekend! 

Dear Jazzy,
Also, No. Never with you.

Dear All of my friends on missions,
Thank you for being such an amazing example to me! 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

BYU 21 Utah 24

This post is a little delayed, but I had a huge test this week, so I have been a bit delayed on some things.

So a few weeks ago what Homcoming/Rivalry Week! Which means all sorts of goodness on campus!
Here are a few pics from the week, and then a bunch from the Rivalry Game!

Helping the Student Alumni Board with the House Decorating Contest

Yeah, They got first place :)

At the Crimson Rally

I would have gotten more pics of the fireworks and such, but my camera died.
Sad day, I know.

So this was like 8 hours before the game even started....I was a bit excited!

My amazing friend Kara and her fiance' Jordan

Kara and I before the game started

Go Utes!
(notice the ultimate photo bomber behind us. I gave her major props after this was taken.)

The Team

The Band and Crimson Line

The Band

The Band

The Team running out of the tunnel

The Band spelling Utah


The BYU and Utah combined Bands and Dancers

The Tunnel

So, as you might know, this part of the game, the end, was a bit controversial. And I will tell you, I rushed the field. All 3 Times. Do I feel guilty? No. Could we have lost the game because of this? Maybe. Did we lose? No. 

Here is my explanation of why I rushed the field.
I have close enough seats that I was able to get onto the field the first time we thought the game was over. The Players and Coaches rushed the field before any of the students did, so we were just following them. 

Kara and Jordan on the field :)

This was the 2nd time we rushed the field. This time, I didn't even see the field goal attempt that was blocked because I was so crammed in the middle of people much taller than me that I had no idea what was going on. So when people started running to rush the field the second time, I went as well so that I wouldn't die. 

The refs reviewing the play

This was the 3rd and final time that we won the game! 

The blurry mass of people on the field

The winning score! :)

3rd times the charm!


The semi-empty MUSS stands

One of the players

As we were leaving the game, we walked behind Crazy Lady and so I yelled to her and got a picture :)
My goal is to be like her some day! The Ultimate Utah Fan!

The Trax train after the game!

That game was the loudest, craziest, most fun Utah game that I have ever been to! It was great because I got to stand by some of my best friends, it was a pretty intense 4th Quarter, and we pulled out a 3rd consecutive win! I have never yelled that loud at a game, and even 2 weeks later, I am still feeling the effects in my airways. That is the sign that it was a great game! :)

I just love my school and our football team! I am a Ute and will never change!

A Utah Man Am I! 


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